How long it takes for STD symptoms to appear or show up on a Test?

STD Testing

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a common occurrence across the globe, particularly in developing countries such as Ghana. The public stigma associated with getting tested leaves sexually active people at high risk of developing some STD or unknowingly transmitting it to someone else. Sexually active men and women should get tested at least once a …

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Common STDs and How to Recognize Them

Online STI Test Kits For Home Use

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are conditions passed from one person to another through sexual contact. Millions of people around the globe have STDs, especially in developing countries, including Ghana and other African nations. Prevention of STDs is entirely possible, but to make it happen, we need to get informed and learn as much as we …

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Testing and Diagnosis of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea information

Many people are at risk of gonococcal infections without their knowledge. Likewise, many carry the bacterium in their bodies without realizing it. Women are more resilient in tolerating the disease in their bodies than men. It is not clear why the disease can incubate in the host for a certain period without showing any signs …

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Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea information

Gonorrhea is the most common venereal disease in the world. It is a bacteria that cause gonorrhea to transmit through unsafe sex or to come into contact with genital fluids, and this bacterium contain the disease. It is noteworthy, that women have a higher tolerance for the disease than men. Therefore it is less likely …

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Information about Home Test for Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea information

Gonorrhea can be fatal if you do not contain it early enough. The bacterium that causes the disease finds its way into the blood and attacks other vital body organs. This leaves you with a multiple of different conditions to deal with. Thus there is a need for early screening and treatment of the bacteria. …

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Gonorrhea information

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, caused by the Neisseria Gonorrhea bacterium. Every year, approximately 11.4 million people are infected by this disease in Africa. Gonorrhea is transmitted through any form of unprotected sexual intercourse – vaginal, anal, or oral. In addition to unprotected sex, a study in Ghana found that alcohol usage can also …

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Gonorrhea in the Eye

Gonorrhea information

The terminology Gonorrhea is widely known to be a venereal disease. Few people know that is can affect other parts of the body. Ideally, it is a sexual disease that passes from one person to another through sexual interaction. It may be through oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Adults are more at risk of the …

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Gonorrhea in the Anus and Rectum

Gonorrhea information

The prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases globally is high. Generally, the conditions are diverse according to the geographical regions in question. Likewise, they differ in symptoms and modes of transmission. Recently, there is a new rise in rectal sexual transmission of diseases. Mostly, bacteria pass from the secretion of the infected penis into the rectum. The risk …

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The Use of Home Tests for Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea information

Each year, there are more and more Gonorrhea cases, and even worse, there are more cases where Gonorrhea has led to terrifying health issues. And yet, practicing safe sex and getting tested for Gonorrhea and any other STDs seem to be a lot difficult for the people of Ghana. Because this is a topic like …

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