Gonorrhea can be fatal if you do not contain it early enough. The bacterium that causes the disease finds its way into the blood and attacks other vital body organs. This leaves you with a multiple of different conditions to deal with. Thus there is a need for early screening and treatment of the bacteria.
The available data show that most of the clinical records have few precise accounts. This is due to the stigma that follows people with the disease. Mostly in Africa, people shy away from the clinical testing for fear of being singled out. This is the reason why we should encourage more home test kits for individuals. Again, there should be available drugs just in case people come forward for treatment.
Home Testing of Gonorrhea
The available home testing kits are easy to follow with simple instructions. While the laboratory tests take about one or two days, the home test procedure takes a mere 15 minutes. If you follow the instructions in maintain good hygiene and take good samples, you will have precise results.
Product: Gonorrhea Test
Women and men have different biological anatomies. This makes the difference in the taking of samples. Sometimes, you may take urine samples instead of the genital tissues. The kit comes with a swab, test tube, two solutions, and a diagnosis cartridge.
Women Specimen Sampling
Take the swab and insert it into the vagina. Genital sampling seems to favor better results than urine. Once in the vagina, rotate and rub the swab on the vaginal lining walls for the collection of tissues. Once you do it for about ten seconds, pull the swab out. Put the first solution A into the test tube. After putting the swab samples into the test tube, add drops of the other solution B. Close the test tube and shake it for about ten seconds.
Men Specimen Sampling
Take the swab and insert it into the urethra opening. Gently rotate it around the inner lining. This ensures the cell tissues come out with swabs. After introducing the first solution into the test tube, add the sample from the swab. Similarly, after the specimen, drop in the second solution and close the test tube. Shake it for about ten seconds.
Final Diagnosis
The last part of the procedure is basic to both men and women. After shaking the test tube, introduce the mixture into the diagnosing cartridge. This will screen the sample for about twenty minutes. Then the results will be out. Double lines mean that you are positive. On the other hand, a single line shows that you are negative. This is an easy way of beating the stigmatization in most clinics and society.
Read More: Testing and Diagnosis Gonorrhea
Read More: Gonorrhea Symptoms