
Gonorrhea information

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, caused by the Neisseria Gonorrhea bacterium. Every year, approximately 11.4 million people are infected by this disease in Africa. Gonorrhea is transmitted through any form of unprotected sexual intercourse – vaginal, anal, or oral. In addition to unprotected sex, a study in Ghana found that alcohol usage can also …

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Gonorrhea in the Anus and Rectum

Gonorrhea information

The prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases globally is high. Generally, the conditions are diverse according to the geographical regions in question. Likewise, they differ in symptoms and modes of transmission. Recently, there is a new rise in rectal sexual transmission of diseases. Mostly, bacteria pass from the secretion of the infected penis into the rectum. The risk …

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The Use of Home Tests for Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea information

Each year, there are more and more Gonorrhea cases, and even worse, there are more cases where Gonorrhea has led to terrifying health issues. And yet, practicing safe sex and getting tested for Gonorrhea and any other STDs seem to be a lot difficult for the people of Ghana. Because this is a topic like …

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Treatment of Gonorrhea: Modern approaches

Gonorrhea information

The treatment of this extremely common sexually transmitted disease has become very difficult for the past decade. Neisseria gonorrhoeae – the causative organism has a particularly strong proclivity to develop antibiotic resistance, and many older treatment regimens have become obsolete. So, what are the current best practices for treatment? Read more: Gonorrhea Facts Gonorrhea Medicine …

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