Circumcision Reduce STD Diseases In Africa

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There is a rising concern related to the presence of sexually transmitted diseases among the African population. Among the various conditions currently affecting the population, one of the most concerning noted in several scientific publications comes down to HIV. The World Health Organization is now suggesting the implementation of a strategy that recommends circumcisions among male …

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HIV And Cancer – What Patients Need To Know

HIV cancer

Each year, the HIV virus infects more than one million people around the world, with an estimated 1.7 million individuals infected in the year 2018. Africa accounts for quite a large percentage of adults and children that are infected with this virus. In the Eastern and Southern regions of Africa, an estimated 57% of adults …

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Chancroid In Africa

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Some sexually transmitted diseases are more commonly known and more prevalent than others. On the other hand, there are a few STDs that aren’t mentioned as common, yet still poses as a threat to certain populations. An excellent would be Chancroid, a type of sexually transmitted disease that is more prevalent in certain countries. Chancroid …

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Whiteheads On Penis: Causes And Treatment

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There is a rising incidence of certain sexually transmitted infections that can affect the genitals of male patients. Human papillomavirus is one of these conditions, affecting an estimated 49% of the male population. Studies also suggest that about 35% of men may be infected with a higher risk of human papillomavirus. When whiteheads develop on the …

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WHO Revise STD Treatment Guidelines As Threat Of Antibiotic Resistance Escalates

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Many sexually transmitted diseases are considered incurable. These conditions are generally simply managed with the appropriate medication. On the other hand, a few infections transferred through sexual intercourse are known to be highly treatable. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), antibiotics are currently considered the standard treatment option for patients with an STI caused by …

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Why Are STD Rates So High In Liberia?

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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have been the reason for the high mortality rates and the declined quality of life all around the world for many years now. However, with the discovery of penicillin and other antibiotics, we have successfully reduced the high STD rates. There are still some countries such as Liberia, where the STD …

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New Discovered Origin of the Herpes Simplex Virus from Africa

New Discovered Origin of the Herpes Simplex Virus from Africa Image Promising Results of Herpes Vaccine HSV529 in Phase Trial 1

Recent research has shown that more recent events, which include the eighteenth-century slave trade led to the viral dispersal of the herpes simplex virus. The herpes virus is an infection that exists in two strains: HSV virus type 1 and type 2. The former is commonly transmitted by oral contact and infect its victims around …

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How STDs Affect Quality of Life

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The scourge of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs known globally is endemic. It is an estimate that over 20 million people are living with HIV in East and Southern Africa alone. If other regions of the African continent are to be included, that figure is colossal. Besides the HIV/ AIDS problem, there is a silent epidemic that …

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Herpes in Nigeria

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Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that targets the mouth and reproductive organs of the body. The disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which has two types: type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2).  HSV-1 is known to cause oral herpes, which infects the lips and mouth. Symptoms include cold sores …

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