Chancroid In Africa

Some sexually transmitted diseases are more commonly known and more prevalent than others. On the other hand, there are a few STDs that aren’t mentioned as common, yet still poses as a threat to certain populations. An excellent would be Chancroid, a type of sexually transmitted disease that is more prevalent in certain countries. Chancroid in Africa, for example, continues to pose a serious problem for the local population. 

The Impact Of Chancroid In Africa

Chancroid still remains a relatively common problem in a number of countries throughout the world. This is a sexually transmitted infection. It generally causes ulcers in the genital region. The condition is prevalent among the African population. There is also a concern regarding the prevalence of Chancroid in Asia, as well as in the Latin America region. 

In the 1970s, genital ulcers linked to Chancroid was found among 60% of the sub-Saharan African population. Medical experts were able to reduce this to lower than 15% by the year 2005. The disease was considered undetectable in both Kenya and Zambia by the year 2010. This does not mean it has been wiped out – since there are still a few countries in Africa facing a Chancroid epidemic. 

Symptoms Of Chancroid

Symptoms of Chancroid is sometimes associated with the signs of other sexually transmitted infections. The most common symptom that a person would have when infected with Chancroid is usually an open sore that develops on the genitals. The open sores can sometimes also develop around the genitals. 

The open sore is generally called an ulcer. When the cause is confirmed to be Chancroid, the sores will be referred to as chancroids instead. 

The ulcer that develops is likely to bleed. A contagious fluid can be secreted from the open sore. When the fluid comes into contact with another person, the Haemophilus ducreyi, which is the bacteria behind Chancroid, spreads to the other individual. 

In most patients, the ulcer that develops once the person is infected with Chancroid will be painful. 

Can Chancroid Be Treated?

Due to the bacterial nature of Chancroid, the condition is often considered treatable. A doctor will usually need to prescribe a dose of antibiotics for the patient. The use of antibiotics may help to eliminate the bacteria causing the infection. Antibiotics could also potentially reduce the scarring that tends to happen when the ulcer heals. 

Chancroid Connection With HIV

Chancroid is not as commonly mentioned as chlamydia, or perhaps even HIV. The disease does, however, still remain a serious threat to certain countries, such as Africa. Infection with the Chancroid sexually transmitted infection also seems to make a person more likely to obtain HIV, further contributing to the HIV epidemic that the world is facing. 


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