Children as Victims of STDs in Africa

Children as Victims of STDs in Africa Image

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have caused us troubles for centuries now. From the time when they were first identified as a threat until now, we have seen STDs affecting millions of people around the world, causing some troubling symptoms and even more troubling and potentially life-threatening complications.  But it seems that some groups of people …

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Can You Get STD Without Sexual Intercourse?


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as the term suggests, are diseases that are transmitted through having unprotected sexual intercourse. However, that is certainly not the only way of transmission that researchers have described over the years. In the following article, we will share the different transmission ways through which an STD could be transmitted that do …

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Can STD Cause a Man Not to Get Erection?

Can STD Cause a Man Not to Get Erection? Image

Getting an erection can mean life and death to a man. When you cannot get your penile functions in order, other triggers set in your life, you may suffer low self-esteem and get a severe erectile dysfunction. Out of the several things that may cause erectile dysfunction, today, we will look at the effect of …

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Sexually Transmitted Disease-Causing PID

Sexually Transmitted Disease-Causing PID “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease” Image

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a common issue for many women around the world. While many different causes can lead to the occurrence of this health issue, one of the most common cause is the presence of a sexually transmitted disease, specifically the presence of gonorrhea and chlamydia. In today’s article, we will share information …

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How STIs Prevention Strategies Can Be Implemented In Low-Income African Countries

How STIs Prevention Strategies Can Be Implemented In Low-Income African Countries

The healthcare system in Africa faces a significant problem with sexually transmitted infections. At the moment, many studies focus on the situation in Sub Saharan African regions. Studies also suggest the implementation of more effective strategies to assist in reducing the prevalence of STIs in these low-income regions.  The Current State Of STIs In Africa …

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STD Numbers Are Still High: Is Online Dating to Blame?

STD Numbers Are Still High: Is Online Dating to Blame Image

STD numbers have been steadily increasing over the years. The Sub-Saharan African region was ranked as the highest infected area in the world with 15 million cases of chlamydia, 3.5 million syphilis, 30 million trichomonas, and 16 million gonorrheas. And has remained the number one most infected region for years.  Recently, however, the CDC stated …

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