The Use of Home Tests for Gonorrhea

Each year, there are more and more Gonorrhea cases, and even worse, there are more cases where Gonorrhea has led to terrifying health issues. And yet, practicing safe sex and getting tested for Gonorrhea and any other STDs seem to be a lot difficult for the people of Ghana.

Because this is a topic like many others that people do not like to talk about, people lack the knowledge that they need to protect themselves against these difficult diseases or even get tested and treated in time. Today, we explore the importance of home tests as an alternative to the tests that are done at the medical facilities. Are the home tests an effective way to get your condition diagnosed?

Product: STD 4-in-1 Test Kit Bundle

Product: One Step Test Kit bundle

What is Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterial infection with the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It is transmitted through unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Gonorrhea can also be transmitted during pregnancy and delivery. The best way to protect yourself against Gonorrhea and any other sexually transmitted disease is always to use a proper contraceptive – preferably a latex condom. The number of new Gonorrhea cases grows each year.

Read More: Gonorrhea

According to the latest research, back in 2017 in Ghana, the prevalence of Gonorrhea cases was 6.6% within women, and 3.5% within men. Left untreated, Gonorrhea leads to infertility, damage to the heart muscle, pelvic inflammatory disease, inflammation to the lining of the brain and/or spinal cord, ectopic pregnancy, etc. Gonorrhea is treated using antibiotics and abstaining from sex to prevent the infection from spreading.

Read More: Gonorrhea in Ghana

What are the symptoms of Gonorrhea?

The first symptoms of Gonorrhea are expected to occur within two weeks after exposure. There are also certain individuals that do not develop any noticeable symptoms at the beginning of the infection. They pose a great threat since unaware, and they can easily spread the infection to another partner with whom they engage in unprotected sex.

Read More: Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhea

The first symptom in men is usually a burning/painful sensation during urination. Further symptoms include swelling of the testicles, swelling and redness of the opening of the penis, increased frequency of urination, and white, yellow, or greenish discharge of the penis.

Among women, the symptoms usually include a watery, greenish discharge from the vagina along with heavier periods, painful or burning sensation during urination, pain during sexual intercourse, fever, etc.

Read More: Gonorrhea Symptoms

Why get tested for Gonorrhea?

Testing for Gonorrhea will help protect you from the harmful risks that are to come with this bacterial infection. It will also help prevent it from spreading to any other individuals with whom you would engage in unprotected sexual intercourse of any kind.

Product: Gonorrhea Private Test

Read More: One Step Gonorrhea Test

All adults that are sexually active are advised to test for Gonorrhea and other STDs, at least once a year or more, depending on their lifestyle. Please do get tested for Gonorrhea as soon as possible if:

  • You engage in unprotected sex;
  • You have multiple sexual partners;
  • You engage in unprotected sex with a person who has present Gonorrhea symptoms;
  • You are a man who engages in sex with other men;
  • You have had Gonorrhea before;
  • You are pregnant;
  • You have other STDs;
  • You are experiencing any Gonorrhea symptoms.

Read More: Testing and Diagnosis of Gonorrhea

Why use a home test for Gonorrhea?

Because talking about STDs, including Gonorrhea, is considered to be a taboo in Ghana, but also because of the high Gonorrhea rates, the home test for Gonorrhea is the perfect solution. The home test for Gonorrhea allows you to check for any Gonorrhea signs before any symptoms have developed and helped protect yourself against any of the risks that this disease is known to carry with itself.

A home test is offering you a chance to find out if you have Gonorrhea while enjoying the privacy of your home. Although Gonorrhea testing, when done in a medical facility, is usually covered by medical insurance, sometimes there is no opportunity for this testing to take place, or simply many people feel more comfortable when they are doing this in privacy even if it costs more.

Gonorrhea is diagnosed by a urine sample and vaginal swap (for women), and this is the principle that the self-test providers follow as well. With the difference, that is, that the self-test is offering you privacy. You are still recommended to consult your doctor about your results.

How to use STD Test Kit

A self-test kit usually comes with either a vaginal swap or a urine sample. Rectal and throat swaps may be available, as well. You take your own sample following the provided instruction, which you will later send over to the laboratory. Usually, the results come after around 72 hours, notifying you if you have tested positive or negative for a Gonorrhea infection. Not to worry, the laboratory facilities are all certified; the tests are FDA-approved, and they all come in the most discreet packaging to ensure the highest privacy possible.

Read More: STD’s in Africa

Read More: Why it’s important to get tested

If you have tested positive, it is of vital importance that you inform your doctor and your partner with whom you have most recently engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind. If you have tested negative and still experience symptoms of any kind, you are still advised to consult your doctor in order to find out the cause for those symptoms.

So, what’s it all about?

Home tests are the answer to your prayers. Now you get to test and find out whether or not you are in need of treatment for Gonorrhea or not in just a couple of hours. Take the easy home test and send the sample; the results come after 72 hours with a low cost and high accuracy. Do not let Gonorrhea pose a threat to your health and to the health of your partner. Get yourself informed, get tested today!

Read More: Gonorrhea Treatment
