Risks Factors for Coerced Sex Among Female Youth in Ghana

Risks Factors for Coerced Sex Among Female Youth in Ghana Image

High rates of coerced sex among female youth in Ghana remains a huge public health concern.  Sexual victimization is recognized as a human right violation and also as the main threat to the wellness of females. It’s experiences have adverse mental, physical, and behavioral consequences that have been reported by studies across the world. The …

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Syphilis Rates Are A Major Concern for Women to Start Seeking Antenatal Care in Ghana

Syphilis Rates Are A Major Concern for Women to Start Seeking Antenatal Care in Ghana Image

If a mother is infected with STIs, she risks transmitting the infection onto the unborn child. If not treated, women risk a miscarriage, birth defects, early delivery, stillbirth, illnesses, disabilities, or even death of a newborn. Antenatal care, commonly referred to as prenatal care is a healthcare preventive that focuses on consistent check-ups by allowing …

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The Lack of Syphilis Screening Practices for Blood Donations in Ghana Put Patients at Risk

The Lack of Syphilis Screening Practices for Blood Donations in Ghana Put Patients at Risk Image

Millions of people every year are exposed to potentially life-threatening risks from blood donations. While blood transfusions are meant to save a life, when an individual receives unsafe blood, it can have some serious consequences.  Syphilis can be transferred from blood-to-blood donations since it is a blood-borne infection. If left untreated, this infection can damage …

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How Common is HIV and Syphilis Co-Infection in Ghana, Africa?

How Common is HIV and Syphilis Co-Infection in Ghana, Africa?

HIV and syphilis are dangerous enough when they appear alone, but even more dangerous when they appear together, causing a co-infection to occur, especially in pregnant women, thinking on all of the things that can go wrong with both the mother’s and the baby’s health. in the following article, we will look a bit deeper …

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Syphilis Infection in Asikuma Odoben Brakwa District, Ghana

Asikuma Odoben Brakwa District

By identifying the risk factors of the common STDs, we will be able to raise awareness for their existence and over time, work to eliminate them. With that, we can act to decline the STD rates on a global level, with a focus on where those rates are the highest. That is exactly what a …

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How long it takes for STD symptoms to appear or show up on a Test?

STD Testing

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a common occurrence across the globe, particularly in developing countries such as Ghana. The public stigma associated with getting tested leaves sexually active people at high risk of developing some STD or unknowingly transmitting it to someone else. Sexually active men and women should get tested at least once a …

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The True Impact of Chlamydia Through History in Africa

Chlamydia in africa

Chlamydia is a tremendous public health concern across the world. But, there is one particular continent that has long been struggling with this common sexually transmitted disease, and that is Africa. Based on statistics, around 50 million women across the globe carry this infection, but 34 million of them live in Africa, particularly the southeast …

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