BV Bacterial Species in the Vaginal Flora Could Make African Women Vulnerable to HIV

BV Bacterial Species in the Vaginal Flora Could Make African Women Vulnerable to HIV Image

There are over 37.9 million people registered with HIV, and there are 1.7 million children, reports show. Over 68% of the affected are currently residing in the sub-Saharan African region.  In poor income regions, such as Africa, it has become difficult to control the infection. But, the problem is that BV Bacterial Species could be …

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The Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe and STI

Every woman has had her experience with vaginal discharge; however, it seems that more and more women in Zimbabwe have had their experience with abnormal vaginal discharge, due to until now, unknown reasons. From the long list of potential causes, a study published in 2019 has finally pointed out the two most common causes of …

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