BV Bacterial Species in the Vaginal Flora Could Make African Women Vulnerable to HIV

There are over 37.9 million people registered with HIV, and there are 1.7 million children, reports show. Over 68% of the affected are currently residing in the sub-Saharan African region. 

In poor income regions, such as Africa, it has become difficult to control the infection. But, the problem is that BV Bacterial Species could be making African women vulnerable to HIV, even if they don’t know it. We compiled all the statistical analyses on these bacteria and the way it works. 

How BV Bacterial Species Exposes African Women to HIV?

Many experts have discussed the connection between STDs and vaginal flora

Based on clinical studies, the vaginal flora is susceptible to bacteria, like the Bacterial vaginosis, which is a predictor of chlamydia and gonorrhea. It makes women susceptible to STDs that can later be transferred to a male partner. 

But, there are even more impactful bacteria that expose women to HIV. This is what experts refer to the BV-related bacteria. This bacteria is not a recent occurrence. In fact, it has been present in the air for a very long time. 

The clinical reports show that many African women are vulnerable to these bacteria. To be precise, 20% to 30% of the population of African women could be at risk of developing HIV. This includes sex workers, pregnant, post-partum women, and those in mixed-status relationships (where one of the partners is infected with HIV).  

What’s the Cause?

Scientists first debated what could be the cause of such a greater vulnerability. Why the African women would be at risk of the BV-bacterial species, could it have something to do with the presence of the bacteria, or is it linked to their protective lactobacilli?

It seems that many researchers agree that the susceptibility to HIV is due to the high presence of disruptive bacteria. Not because of the lack of protective ones. While there is only a limited amount of research, it’s critical for women to understand their vaginal flora and take the right precautions.  

How to Treat the Problem Before It Makes You Vulnerable to HIV?

The BV Bacterial species are often recognized by the bad vaginal odor. Particularly after sexual intercourse. The vaginal discharge tends to emit uncomfortable smells. Because of the symptoms, many women confuse it with a typical vaginal infection. 

But, this one requires proper antibiotic treatment with medications like metronidazole and clindamycin. If you notice the symptoms, it is best to book a gynecology appointment and reduce your vulnerability to HIV. Taking proper care of your vaginal health can go a long way.
