How Aware are Africans of STDs? Take a Look At This Recent Survey

How Aware are Africans of STDs? Take a Look At This Recent Survey Image

STDs are a massive health burden, particularly in low-income regions like the African continent. They’ve also had massive economic and social consequences.  Recently, however, more countries and organizations have organized courses, centers, and volunteers to educate the African population on STDs’ importance, like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc. In some areas, the infection rates have been …

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STDs Rates Appear To Be Quietly Skyrocketing As Fewer People Get Tested And Treated During The Pandemic

STDs Rates Appear To Be Quietly Skyrocketing As Fewer People Get Tested And Treated During The Pandemic Image

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) cause a greater health risk and economic burden to the masses. Millions of people are infected with this problem every year. In 1995, STDs were accounted for to be around 87 percent of all cases among the main ten illnesses in the USA. Now, the years have passed, but not much …

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COVID-19 Has Interrupted STD Screenings; Sexual Health Centers Are Concerned

COVID-19 Has Interrupted STD Screenings; Sexual Health Centers Are Concerned Image

When the cases of COVID-19 started increasing at a faster rate, most of the countries announce lockdown. With the interest of the public, and proper obedience, the stay at home order came into action. During this sexual health centers in some places were allowed to keep their operations going on.  The decision taken was not …

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Top Most Popular Plants for Treating STIs in Africa – Do They Work?

Top Most Popular Plants for Treating STIs in Africa – Do They Work? Image

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a widespread problem and a serious global issue. But, for the African population, these treatable and easily avoidable infections pose an even bigger threat.  Out of the 37 million people living with HIV, 66% are in the sub-Saharan African region.  Since not many families have the funds to get treatment, …

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Find Out Which STDs Can You Get Through Kissing

Find Out Which STDs Can You Get Through Kissing Image

We have all been told about the most common ways in which a dangerous sexually transmitted disease (STD) is usually transmitted. The primary transmission path is through having unprotected sexual intercourse, including oral, vaginal, and anal sex. Sharing needles is also a common transmission path that leads to a high number of STD cases in …

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