One Step Rapid HIV Private Test


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0535 106 338


HIV Rapid Test Strip


You will receive:

1 x HIV test strip pouched

1 x HIV buffer solution

1 x finger prick blood lancet

1 x blood sample dropper

1 x alcohol swap pad

1 x user instruction manual

Performing the HIV rapid test

  1. Clean a fingertip with the alcohol swab and allow the finger to dry.
  2. Remove a test strip from the foil cover.
  3. Prick the skin of the fingertip with the lancet. Wipe the first drop of blood away.
  4. Collect the next drop of blood with the dropper to fill up to the mark on the dropper.
  5. Apply the blood onto the sample pad marked with an arrow on the test strip.
  6. Wait 1 minute until all the blood has been absorbed into the sample pad and then apply 1 drop of the Buffer solution. It is important that the bottle is held vertically (upside down) above the test strip when the drop of buffer is dropped onto the sample pad.
  7. Wait a minimum of 15 minutes and then read the results. The maximum waiting time for reading the test is 20 minutes. After 20 minutes the test becomes invalid.


Test illustration

  1. Reading the results of the HIV rapid test
  2. Positive: A red bar will appear within both the Control window and the Patient window on the test strip. Any visible red bar in the Patient window must be regarded as positive. The result is positive even if the patient bar appears lighter or darker than the control bar.
  3. Negative: A red bar will appear within the Control window and but no red bar is seen in the Patient window.
  4. Invalid: If no red bar appears in the Control window, even if a red bar is visible in the Patient window. The result is invalid and the test must be repeated.
  5. The interpretation of the HIV rapid test
  6. A positive test indicates that a person has either HIV antigen or HIV antibodies. Therefore the person is infected with HIV.
  7. A negative test indicates that a person does not have HIV antigen or antibodies against HIV. Therefore the person is not infected with HIV, unless infected very recently and the HIV antigen and antibodies have not appeared yet.