Human Herpes 1 & 2 Test


This herpes simplex test kit is used to test for the HHV-1 (Human Herpesvirus-1) and HHV-2 (Human Herpesvirus-2) in blood and can be used to test for the virus that causes genital herpes and cold sores. The test provides simple positive or negative results for HSV 1&2 in blood.

The HSV 1/2 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to HSV 1/2 in whole blood, serum or plasma specimens.

You will receive:

  • Herpes Test Cassettes, 1 test.
  • Buffer Solution, 1 pack.
  • Capillary Tubes, 1 tube.
  • 1 x Instructions for Use
  • 1x fingertip blood collection device


You are entitled to  free professional guidance before, during and after conducting your test by appointment

This product is not availiable at the moment. Contact us for other alternatives.
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