Chlamydia and Its Role in Female Infertility

It’s estimated that 10 million chlamydia infections occur every year, only in the sub-Saharan African region. In 2018, the CDC (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention) recorded more than 1,700,000 cases all across Columbia, and some of the most infected were the younger population. While, around 2/3 of the new infections appear in people between the ages of 15 to 24.

This STD is well-known for resulting in significant health complications in infected individuals. But, the question is what’s its role in infertile women? Let’s take a closer look at chlamydia and its impact on infertility in the female population.

Can Chlamydia Cause Infertility?

According to statistics, 10% to up to 40% of females infected with Chlamydia trachomatis develop PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). This disease can have a drastic impact on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and womb. Even though it can be treated with adequate antibiotics, it often goes unnoticed. 

The longer the disease remains untreated, the higher the chance of scarring and blockage of the fallopian tubes. The moment this blockage develops, the eggs may no longer be fertilized, since the seminal fluid (sperm cells) won’t be able to get to the egg, resulting in infertility. 

In other words, this STD can cause infertility. In fact, this bacterial infection is responsible for 1 in 5 cases of infertility in females.  

How Long Does It Take Before the Infection Causes Infertility?

There is no information on how long it will take for the bacterial infection to result in permanent damage. It often depends on the individual and the state of their current reproductive health. 

But, there is one rule: “the faster you get treatment, the better”. 

Preventing the bacteria to spread is the primary way of avoiding any damage to the reproductive organs. But, that doesn’t mean that if you’ve lived with the bacteria for a few years you are permanently infertile. 

On the contrary, some individuals can carry the infection for much longer than others without developing any serious health complications. Others, on the other hand, will quickly start to notice the impact of the STD. 

Fertility Treatments After Contracting Chlamydia

Leaving the STD untreated for a long time doesn’t necessarily mean it will be impossible to conceive. With adequate treatment, the blockage in the fallopian tubes can be removed and allow for an easier conception. While the conception rates may not be as high as in a healthy individual, it’s still possible to avoid an ectopic pregnancy and other health complications.

Is Chlamydia Life Threatening?

This infection doesn’t pose a threat to your life. But, it can have some major health consequences if left untreated. The sooner you get treatment, the higher the chance of preventing infertility. 

To avoid this bacterial infection altogether, make sure to take the right precautions like using condoms and getting tested regularly. This is the first step to avoiding infertility.
